Saturday, August 20, 2016


Apollo butterflies at play on canvas
I am a Leo, for all that is entailed in that. This being my birthday month it is an especially good time to reflect and ponder on not only what might be involved in being born with this sun sign but also the many blessings that come each and every day of the year.
Mary Oliver is one of my favorite writers ever. This morning as I re-read her words they seemed to speak for me: Every day I see or I hear something that more or less kills me with delight, that leaves me like a needle in the haystack of light. It is what I was born for--to look, to listen, to lose myself inside this soft world--to instruct myself over and over in joy, and acclamation....
Yes, I am blessed and filled with gratitude for each day's offerings of delight and for the growing wisdom to look and to listen...just to lose myself there.

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