Saturday, July 13, 2019


I'm not sure where the term "jumping through hoops" emanates from, but I remember something from childhood about the admonition to stop trying to....

Sometimes summer festival season feels as if those hoops just might be narrowing in size...there is just so much to do each day. No matter how organized it seems that I am...well, you know the rest.

Experience tells me that all will be good and that sometimes choices might need to be made. And I get it. Perhaps I just have not quite reached that point yet? There is just soooooooo much that greedy me wants to include in each day. Am I the only one feeling this way? Doubt it.

Still, I am grateful that there is so very much that wants doing in my life. So...I'm off for my morning walk along the shoreline. On my return there will be a load of laundry, a grocery list for later (or maybe early tomorrow), breakfast, banking, pay bills, and a walk to the festival for another good day. 

The hoops are calling!😄

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