Friday, November 20, 2020


The changes over the past four years have certainly not all been what I hoped for when creating the mixed media series A Celebration of Women.

Here are some pictures of a few of my favorites from that series.

And here is what I wrote about the series at the time:


The presidential election of 2016, while divisive on many levels, seems to have catapulted women into joining together in action on many fronts. Following in the footsteps of many honored women before them--and creating some paths of their own--these women are marching...speaking up...speaking out...standing together...demanding many long-needed changes...showing unquestionable courage, strength and determination. This series is in honor of all those women and the many others who still have no voice or who have been silenced.
Change is in the wind.

While many of the hoped-for change did not occur, the unrest is still there...the need for even a greater realm of inclusion into those that need exists as never before.

There is much to be done.

The series that followed this one showed women without the dark glasses. Guess that wasn't enough.

There is much to be done.

Then I seem to have moved on to a series of Crows. Perhaps that reflected the darkness some of us were beginning to feel casting a veil over the hopes.

There is STILL much to be done.

AND I still celebrate women and what they can accomplish. To paraphrase a certain shoe brand, "Let's do it!"

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