Sitting down to write after a stunning sun-drenched coastal day I am serenaded by a plethora of small birds, each singing a lovely song of joy as a paean to the glorious day that this has been. Peaceful and full of the calm for now, I do know that this can change in a moment's notice.
One certainty--tides roll in and out each day |
Benjamin Franklin got it wrong, I think, when he said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Change is also a certainty, I believe. There are so many moments to be captured in the instant they happen. Those moments are there, that is for certain. And, yes, they will change. That, too, is for certain.
The sun will fade away. The birds will still their song. The cool breeze may become a dry heat. The only thing certain may just be that everything changes. Tomorrow will be different.
Today, failure? Tomorrow, success. Today, sadness? Tomorrow, joy. The revolving door of change is like that...for sure!
So if you just happen to be in a bad place right now...know this will change. And, if life is treating you well, enjoy each glorious minute.