In California we certainly do not have the groundhog (not that he is really so reliable anyway) so what does signal Spring to us? Is it the sparkle like diamonds on the ocean's blue-green waters? Is it the brisk breeze on a clear sunny day? Is it the call of baby crows in the trees? The chirping of myriad birds everywhere? Or is it the blossoming buds on ornamental fruit trees? The sound of laughter in the streets? For me, probably all of the above are signals. What about you--what signals Spring to you?
Weary from days of heavy activity--projects for film and other art pieces, workshops, classes, and much more-- I came across this piece I had completed in an earlier workshop in January. At the time, it seemed a good thing to embrace for the new year. It seems that I have carefully thought about what I say yes to, so how the heck did I get to such busy days recently? The joy of challenge? Perhaps. I guess the big question is if I have felt compelled to say yes to these things. I don't think so. Definitely challenged, but not compelled in any way. In fact, the challenges really were a lot of fun to take on. Just more joys of living. And here we are in the first day of spring...the busy time! Let the fun begin!
Cowabunga! (That's what I thought of when I wrote the title for this piece.) What an apt word somehow.It denotes the excitement of wonderful things coming your way.The abundance just keeps on coming and I love it. Up early. Mind racing. Can't sleep. A good kind of crazy energy. The Fun Figures workshop has magically resulted in a job doing art work for a movie set. Who would have thought, right? The drawings have become a wonderful series of varietal women each with her own special story. Workshops are full. And magic happens at every one of them, filling my heart and my soul with joy. And, for today, I am off to a full day of basking in literature at the Literary Women of Long Beach luncheon with wondrous stories of writing and inspiration. What's not to like?
The day began sunny and a bit brisk so I headed out for a long walk along the coast. An hour into it, I was the one who was brisk...(ly) walking because the wind had picked up and the dark low clouds had moved onshore. Then, just two or three blocks short of my destination, the clouds let loose and I got soaked. It was oddly invigorating, though, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Now, just a few short hours later, it is again bright and sunny. You've gotta love California weather! On this glorious weekend I find myself filled with the joys of the walk and finishing taxes and getting back to art play. Got some new brush pens and love the depth of colors, though struggling a bit with them. is said, "the play is the thing." I am truly blessed to be able to live this life!