Saturday, January 19, 2019


For years, go-to reading when the world seems too much or I just need a little lift has been Mary Oliver. Poems, essays...doesn't matter. Each word is exquisite in clarity and joy.

"Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" How can these words not stop you in your tracks in awe at their impact on you?

"Here in my head, language keeps making its tiny noises...."

And how many times has a woman reading, "For how long will you continue to listen to those dark shouters, caution and prudence? Fall in! Fall in!"  known that the words were meant for her? Mary Oliver was a gift to us all, but, over the years, I have encountered so very many women who, when asked who was their favorite poet, answered, "Mary Oliver" without the least hesitation.

"Clouds rolled from the west-then they thickened, the thunder bucked and boiled...."

Yes, Mary Oliver, rest in peace. For you, the storms are over.The world will miss you, but your words, so descriptive and so immeasurable in their impact, will linger on.

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